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2334bs - Categories image size and layout

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If the pictures for the categories are not all the same size, and/or if the length of a category name is long enough to wrap when the screen is small (ie: on a pnone, etc), there are some formatting issues:


When displaying a category that has several sub-categories, when I have the screen at it's smallest, the name of the "Gott 'Cool Sleeve' Gloves" category wraps to two lines, and pushes the "Zetex" category down:



As I make the screen wider, the name for the  "Gott 'Cool Sleeve' Gloves" category changes its wrap, but it is still two lines, and still pushes the "Zetex" category down:



As I make the screen even wider, it becomes wide enough for the "Gott 'Cool Sleeve' Gloves" name can fit onto one line, the "Kevlar, knit" category slides to the left, and the "Zetex" category moves up to the right:



This stays this way as the screen is made even wider:



Until the screen is wide enough for three columns. Since the "Gott 'Cool Sleeve' Gloves" picture is smaller than the others, it pulls the "Kevlar, heavy" category up:



And it stays this way as the screen is brought to its largest width:




Also, on the Home Page, if the pictures of the products are different sizes, it messes up the New Products layout:



Short of editing *every* picture to the same size, and limiting product and category names to about 15 characters, is there anything that can be done to fix these layout issues?


I have confirmed this in IE, Firefox, and Chrome.



(2334bs and SEO Header Tags - Reloaded)

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