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Width of "panel"

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Somehow the "panel" where you can select how to sort shos OK in FF, Opera , Google shows the way I would expect, but in IE goes of the page to the right.

Im not sure where the width of this panel is altered.

Here's a couple of screenshots which show what Im trying to explain.




post-276414-0-99226800-1408592591_thumb.jpg (this one shows the yellow wrapper where the "panel" extends of the page in IE)


Anyone any thoughts how I might correct this.


Many thanks


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Somehow the "panel" where you can select how to sort shos OK in FF, Opera , Google shows the way I would expect, but in IE goes of the page to the right.

Im not sure where the width of this panel is altered.

Here's a couple of screenshots which show what Im trying to explain.


attachicon.gifScreenshot - 21_08_2014 , 3_39_32 p.m..jpg


attachicon.gifScreenshot - 21_08_2014 , 3_41_01 p.m..jpg (this one shows the yellow wrapper where the "panel" extends of the page in IE)


Anyone any thoughts how I might correct this.


Many thanks


I have included the following in user.css, which seems to sort the problem out, but Im unsure that this is the correct way to do it.


.form-control {width:92%;}




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You should not do this, because it may have implications for all areas that are tagged with form-control. Simply adding a line break fixed the issue for me.


        echo '<div>' . tep_draw_form('filter', FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'get') . '<p align="right">' . TEXT_SHOW . ' ';


==>  echo '<div>' . tep_draw_form('filter', FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'get') . '<p align="right">' . TEXT_SHOW . '<br />';



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