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Move Navagation bar in BS2334

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Can someone please tell me the file where I can find the code that will allow me to move the nav bar from the top of the header to where the breadcrumb trail is and where this code is, to allow me to move the breadcrumd to either where the nav bar was, or to below the head and to the right of the left column.Or is this not advseable.

I have looked in application-top.php, header.php, and several other files in >includes folder, but to no avail.

I guess the required file/s will be in a very obvious place.


Many thanks


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The breadcrumb is a box module so you could try moving the code that loads the boxes in your header file to position things where you want them...have a look for this code...


<?php if ($oscTemplate->hasBlocks('boxes_header')) echo $oscTemplate->getBlocks('boxes_header'); ?>

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