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The e-commerce.

"There are no products to list in this category" p


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I have set up an osCommerce site and everything seemed to be working properly and smoothly until I came accross this problem.


If you visit the link below:


you will see that it doesn't list any items on that page which is the main category parent for some sub categories.


Now, if you go to the case parts category, which is setup the same way, a parent category of some sub cats:


you will notice that it shows the products and their images on the parent categories page for the subcategories.


The second page (case parts) is the way I want it to be everywhere) but for some reason it's not working like that for lighting and for "cooling parts" I have the same problem.


I have no idea why this would be happening only to certain sections and not to everything all at once. You will also notice that on those pages lighting and cooling parts it doesn't show link images to the sub categories either where as on the case parts page you see Lian-Li, Thumscrews, etc... as link images accross the top.


Does anyone know what's going on here and why they are showing up on some sections but not in others?

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