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2334BS - contentContainer & contentText class

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Just a quick question.


looking at the osC code i see that the two classes "contentContainer" and "contentText" are still there

but i can't find any definition for them.


checked (i think) all css files (bootstrap.min.css, bootstrap.css, custom.css, user.css) but can't find them.

If they are not defined can they just be deleted then? Or would this cause problems later?

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they are in almost every file under the catalog directory. same as vanilla

i haven't received any mail from you yet. :shifty:




good point there. maybe it IS better to leave them as they are as they might be helpful keeping an overview of the design.

many thanks!


So far:


Template -> OK!

SEO Reloaded -> OK!

Options $&%'#%$ -> OK! ;)

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