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Creating discount coupons with the discount coupon module


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Okay, I'm using OSC MS1. I've installed the Credit Class/Gift Voucher module (v. 4.2) and the Discount Coupon module (v. 0.95).

Everything with installation seemed to go perfectly.

However, I'm confused as to how to create discount coupons. The readme file for the credit class/g.voucher module said that gift vouchers could be created like ordinary products. But how does one create discount codes?

In admin, I can turn discounts coupons on or off, but I don't understand how to create them in the first place! :?:

I'm not getting any error messages. I've uploaded all the files, the sql statements, and made appropriate changes to the files. Should there be an additional link somewhere in my admin screen? (I've checked everywhere.)



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And i've figured it out.

SORRY! useless post.

As it turns out, my FTP program wasn't telling me was automatically not uploading files when they already existed (and i thought it was overwriting them). the result was the "column_left.php" file wasn't modified. everything was correct in my installation, but I just didn't have those nice links on the left to help me out ;-)

Thanks though!

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Greets Air'n,


Better check you column_left.php file in admin. You should have added the require to give you this;






If you do not have those options, recheck your installation of the above mentioned file.



Mr. Ree

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