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The e-commerce.

What's wrong with this picture???


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Being new to osC I'm not really familiar with how the admin screens are supposed to appear... but I get the sneaking suspicion that something's not quite right here.


Please take a peek at the following screen shot of "Administration->Catalog->Categories/Products".




Is it really supposed to read, "HEADING_TITLE" at the top, or should I actually see something else there like, "Categories/Products"?


This is snapshot 20030331, freshly installed from scratch just today... brand new database, brand new installation directory, etc.

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the definitions are located in admin/includes/english.php and the files inside the english folder - it looks like it is picking up some of the defines but not all of them



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Thanks Jeff. I checked "/admin/includes" and found NO file named "english.php".


The only directories that contain a file named "english.php" are...

adminincludeslanguages; and,



Are you sure there should be a file "/admin/includes/english.php" ??

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my mistake





my brain and fingers are out of synch again... :lol:

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Ok, I'm convinced that these definitions aren't getting loaded as they should. Are you familiar with the coding of osC? At what point are these definitions supposed to get loaded, and how can I go about debugging??


Again, thanks for your input!

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they should be getting loaded by default as a function of selecting your language in the admin-localization-languages panel


what is strange is that some of the defines are working and others arent... :?

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no, thats fine


one recommendation tho ------ since that is the default installation, i would recommend that you change catalog to some other name and change admin to some other name so not every OSC user can do to your site and tunnel into your folders - password protecting the admin folder is also useful.....

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Ok, I see your point. I did actually give the /admin directory another name (just didn't share it on this forum for everyone to see). :wink:


This is a strange dilemma. Do you have any clue which .php file calls the english.php file?

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The missing defines appear to be from the admin/includes/languages/english/categories.php file


Is that file in the directory? Could it have gotten corrupted? Do you have a back up of it?

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you've got Linda on this too - you are surrounded! :lol:


I would agree with the basics of what Linda said, and it does sound possible that one of two things are occuring:


1) a file is corrupt

2) you missed something in the install of one of the two mods you added, or missed a syntax entry or something along those lines


she seemed to have you going in the right direction but as you point out, when one thing was 'fixed', another problem would show up, and that usually indicates missing a line of code somewhere..


this does all sound related


did you reset your zone and related info?

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Well now that brings me to ANOTHER issue that I'm having (that I didn't really want to address here for sake of simplicity). Since it MIGHT be related let me show you what I'm getting when I access 'Administration-Configuration-My Store"


Warning: call_user_func() expects first argument, 'tep_cfg_get_zone_name', to be a valid callback in /var/apache/htdocs/catalog/adm1n/includes/functions/general.php on line 1247


Check out this screen-shot...




Notice how every field configuration value that need to be populated IS populated EXCEPT the "zone" field. I've tried editing the zone and choosing "Pennsylvania", but it apparently doesn't save the value I enter.

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Oh! And just so you'll know... this issue was occurring prior to the installation of any mods. I've now installed osC from scratch about 3 times (snapshot 20030325, 20030329, and 20030331). Each install resulted in the same set of problems.

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go into phpmyadmin and look at the db


open the configuration table and find STORE_ZONE and check the fields:


configuration_id int(11) ?

configuration_title varchar(64) ?

configuration_key varchar(64) ?

configuration_value varchar(255) ?

configuration_description varchar(255) ?

configuration_group_id int(11) ?

sort_order int(5)

last_modified datetime

date_added datetime ?

use_function varchar(255)

set_function varchar(255)

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In the other thread, You mentioned something about your database being in a different place or something ...What exactly is strange/different about this database?

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Well I think that what I meant by "strange" is that on this server I have several databases... all of which can be viewed by phpMyAdmin EXCEPT the database that I set up for osC.


I have been able to successfully access the database directly via /bin/mysql "USE DATABASE xxx" (where 'xxx' is the name of my database).

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Here's what I see of the 'configuration' table...



| Field                     | Type         | Null | Key | Default             | Extra          |


| configuration_id          | int(11)      |      | PRI | NULL                | auto_increment |

| configuration_title       | varchar(64)  |      |     |                     |                |

| configuration_key         | varchar(64)  |      |     |                     |                |

| configuration_value       | varchar(255) |      |     |                     |                |

| configuration_description | varchar(255) |      |     |                     |                |

| configuration_group_id    | int(11)      |      |     | 0                   |                |

| sort_order                | int(5)       | YES  |     | NULL                |                |

| last_modified             | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL                |                |

| date_added                | datetime     |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                |

| use_function              | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL                |                |

| set_function              | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL                |                |



Is this what you meant, or did you want me to check the entries for a specific record in the table?

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This dB sounds very weird.....Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling just the dB ? What about the permissions on the dB? Are they set up right?

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click on configuration in the db

then click the browse tab

then find the STORE_ZONE field and match against what I posted


altho I tend to agree with Bird - you may want to drop all tables and reinstall the db...... :shock:

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What I do when I set this up is to get into the mysql command console, then I issue a "CREATE DATABASE xxx;" (where xxx is the name of the database). Then I go back and choose, "http://www.yyy.com/catalog/install/" and allow the script to create the tables within the database I just created.


That's OK, right?

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yes, that is fine - that will create the db shell and then the install script will import the tables, so it is possible the the oscommerce.sql file is corrupt and causing a problem in the db you are creating

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