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The e-commerce.

Licenses for images/icons


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- Creative Commons

  1. - Attribution CC BY
  2. - Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND
  3. - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA
  4. - Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
  5. - Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
  6. - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND

- for commercial use

- for non-commercial use


Licenses that are a bit vague:


- free to use

- Royalty Free (what the hell that's suppose to mean "royalty" free.)



These are the licenses i found for now and i guess all "non-commercial" can not be used with

the osC platform/project, is that correct?


Then there are licenses that i have to credit the creator/author by adding his company/name or/and link to his site.


If i use images/icons just for myself in soC then i can choose from all except the "non-commercial" ones right?


BUT what if i would like to use images/icons for a free tutorial and post that tutorial here in the osC forum or add it as

add-on? What license would be ok?


"royalty free" and "free to use" are a bit to vague.


Is there someone who can clarify this whole license thing so i know what can be used with osC and its community and what not.


You have the "non-commercial" bit backwards. Use in an osCommerce store is commercial use, so a non-commercial license prohibits that use.


I believe that any license that restricts redistribution is incompatible with the GPL. So any of the Creative Commons licenses that do not say NonCommercial can be used. Other licenses would need to state that redistribution is allowed, and that commercial use is permitted. Anything that requires payment of a fee of any kind is automatically prohibited.


Royalty Free just means that you do not have to pay a fee (royalty) to use it. It does not necessarily mean that you can redistribute or that commercial use is acceptable.


When in doubt, ask.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


You have the "non-commercial" bit backwards.




where did i get it wrong with "non-commercial"?


These are the licenses i found for now and i guess all "non-commercial" can not be used with

the osC platform/project, is that correct?


If i use images/icons just for myself in soC then i can choose from all except the "non-commercial" ones right?


the license listing?


- Creative Commons

- for commercial use

- for non-commercial use

- free to use

- Royalty Free


as you said, i guess asking is the safest way. ;)


Sorry, I misread that. You were correct.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Sorry, I misread that. You were correct.





probably my mistake i miss typed can not = cannot :-


Note that in all these licenses, the original owner (creator, or client/employer who paid for the work, or purchaser of all rights) retains ownership rights (copyright) to the works. Only when a work is declared by the owner to be in the Public Domain does anyone have unrestricted use of it. All others allow you to use the work, for royalty fee or for free, subject to various restrictions. Always read the license!


A little bit off topic, but if I was to use a non royalty free image on my site, how would the owner know I have used that image. Is there a way of searching through the web and finding a particular image even if the name has been changed.


I must just add that I do not use ay image on my site that I do not have permission to use. I just wish others would do the same.



Yes, Google Image Search works amazingly well. It will even find cropped and resized images. Try it.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Search Google for "Template Monster Getty" for an interesting read. I have direct knowledge of this farce via a shopowner who bought a template, ended up with a template with an unauthorised Getty owned image. That shopowner ended up out of business over an image.


I had a client in a similar situation, he didn't have to close the doors, but called me up one day to totally rebuild his header which was full of images that Getty claimed ownership to.


You have to really be careful when finding images, especially images of existing products/brands and people. Not even the photographer has the right to release the images for use of others, unless they have signed releases to cover their a**.


Ever wonder why the default osCommerce images are so small and dinky when an exact larger image is readily available with a simple search?

Follow the community build:

BS3 to osCommerce Responsive from the Get Go!

Check out the new construction:

Admin Gone to Total BS!


Search Google for "Template Monster Getty" for an interesting read. I have direct knowledge of this farce via a shopowner who bought a template, ended up with a template with an unauthorised Getty owned image. That shopowner ended up out of business over an image.


THAT is exactly what happen to two friends of mine. One is a small company owner and the other was a retired hobby web designer.

The company guy asks if the retired web guy if he could make his company "information" site. (no online store, nothing to sell on that site just pure information)

the web design guy finds a free template site and downloads a "free" template that comes with images and everything. so far no name or water mark no nothing regarding the images.

the images came with a psd file so you could edit every single layer inside photoshop and inside photoshop there was NO info at all regarding that images origin.

anyway after a while after the site was up and running the company guy receives a letter from a lawyer firm with a screenshot of his page printed on a paper with all the info about the image, image owner, code and so on... for a 100x100 sized image that was used on his information site. they wanted to know for how long he was using that image so they could charge him. and believe me when i tell you that we are talking about $xxxx and not $xx or $xxx amount.

he and the designer guy took the image immediately down and tried to explain that there was no copyrights explanation on the free template site and that they didn't intentionally used a copyrighted image. but all explaining was for nothing. they don't want to hear any excuse or explanation they insist to know for how long that image has been up and running on that site so they could bill the company guy. what surprised me most was that on the image info paper was some sort of image robots search code, looks like they have a searching robot to look for their own images and file charges against illegal use.

you will find plenty of these cases inside the web if you search google.

my friends case is still pending, as long they don't know for how long the image has been used they can't proceed with their claim.

the thing is they allow you to use their images IF you are not a company or earn from it. there was an interview with the top guy of that image company (i won't name the company!) and he said use the images if you are not a company but if you are a company then we charge BIG! that is what he said i kid you not. so the template site even today still offers the same template with the same image inside it! since they don't earn anything with it it is OK to use. I think it is unfair to do that WITHOUT mentioning or writing about the images copyright so others will know.


anyways be careful out there, that image company has also a icons website now and looks like they do the same thing there. give it out for free to use BUT only for non-commercial purpose! if you want to make sure that your image is clean go to their site and search for it, if it isn't inside then you can probably use it in good conscious.




they have some kinda search robot for their images no matter how much you rape that image there is some sort of code in it that they can track.


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