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Customer passwords!


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I migrated my old OSC 2.2MS2 shop to the latest OSC including all products,orders and custemers.

Everything is basically working, but one importent thing does not work! Password!

If customer ask for new password, a messege tells that link is already sent - but it's not.

It's not possible for customers to login using old password, and not possible to get a new one!

Any ideas, what's the problem?





Hi Lars, you didn't say how you did your upgrade? Specifically how you upgraded the old/current database data you are migrating over - I believe the password hashing was changed at 2.3.0.


I used this addon on my old DB before moving over the tables (products, orders, customers specials etc) I required when I did my upgrade - it worked flawlessly http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8731


One other note, the 2 problems may not be related. In your admin check the Configuration, Email Options... Make sure send email is set to "true".






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