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Participant for sport event


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Hello! Everyone!

I have spent a few hours in the forum looking for a solution but I can’t find it…

I am trying to find a solution for how to administrate participants for sport events. Do anyone know how I can solve the problem... I try to explain what I want to do:

A sport event, for example a running event, needs to let the participant "buy" their "start ticket".


I need this information about the participant:

- Name

- Gender

- Club

- License number

- Birth date

- E-mail

- Phone number

- Emergency contact

- Emergency number

In the confirmation e-mail the participant need to get some kind of identification number.


My first thought of solution would be just to sell the product "Competition start". But I have the problem with the specific information we need for the participant. The best would be if he or she could fill in this information at the product page, the second best would be to let them fill it in at the costumer page.

Can anyone of you recommend how I can fix this problem? Is there any add-on that can solve this either at the product page or the costumer information?







First off, this isn't a 'PROBLEM'. It's a customization.


You will have to make changes to the database to create the tables/fields needed for the additional information. Then, edit the /create_account.php and /includes/languages/english/create_account.php to create the additional database queries as well as the fields and language for the additional information.


On the admin side, you will need to modify the /admin/customers.php and /admin/includes/languages/english/customers.php at the very least.






Thanks Bandmans! It looks like your tip is exactly what I needed.


DanWeb: I know it's not a problem if you look at it from a OsC point of view... but for me it is a "problem"... ;-)




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