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Newsletter server configuration


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I have a Oscommerce installed (I don't know exactly the verision but in index.php is writted:


osCommerce copyrights 2003, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions




I was using the SMTP account to send emails, but now my hosting is asking me if is possible to use a "newsletter.domain.com server" to send Newsletter, I'm searching in all places the configuration to put this server and use this "newsletter software" and not using the SMTP,


Someone know where I can fix it?


Thanks in advance,




It sounds like you have a very, very old version of osC (2.2 MS2 or earlier). For ongoing stability, security, and compatibility with PHP upgrades, do think about upgrading to osC


It's not surprising that your host doesn't want you sending out newsletters from your account (if I understand what you're saying). It only takes one idiot reporting a newsletter as spam, because they forgot that they requested to be on the mailing list and are too lazy to do a proper "unsubscribe", to get blacklisted as a spammer. You would have to produce a newsletter one way or the other (in osC or using a separate product), and a separate bulk mailing system. Many systems dedicated to spewing, uh, serving, newsletters will have their own preferred mailing system. I don't know what osC has to do with that, except that you will have to export recipients and their email addresses from your customer database (typically into a CSV file).


If your host is merely asking you to output your newsletters from a new subdomain under your existing account, that might be possible simply with osC configuration. I haven't worked with this, so someone else will have to lead you through it.


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