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Ultimate SEO urls5 Pro


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I had a perfectly working website with a few add-on's until recently when I installed an ssl certificate. I know receive on loading site the following error


Fatal error: Class 'SQLiteDatabase' not found in /mounted-storage/home2/sub001/sc17958-FIWR/mysite.co.uk/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/cache_system/sqlite.php on line 103


I would be grateful if anyone has any idea how to resolve this issue and get my site working again.


Thank you. I being hopeful!


Update to my post.


I have got round the error temporarily by going into myphp configuration table and setting ultimate SEO URLs5 Pro cache from 'sqlite' to 'file'. Not sure how this will affect

the site in the long /short term but at least the site is up again.


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