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how to integrate paymate in oscommerce


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I am really stuck on how to integrate paymate (who I have been using to be paid on auction sites) to my oscommerce website.

I have 3 PHP files called




Return URL


I have no idea where to upload these to

I do know how to FTP them up, just not where


I have searched the forums and the only things i can find on paymate are from 2007 and so these are pretty useless.


I refuse to use paypal so please dont suggest that, but any other suggestions would be appreciated


Thank you in advance


Dawn :)


Hi thanks for that, but i have seen that and it seems to be for individual posting of prices per item.. I want to be able to have the module included under payment modules... if that makes any sence.... I think i have the right files, I paid for them a while back now....I just need to know what area in cpanel to upload them and if they are the right ones.....

Cheers for answering... :)


I want to be able to have the module included under payment modules


There is probably more to do than to just upload the files. You need to create a payment module. You could use the existing payment modules and the "useless" add-on of 2007 that you found as a guide. There may be a ready osCommerce integration somewhere, did you contact paymate?


Hi yes, I did contact them via email with no reply, Im sorry I did not mean to make the add on for paymate sound degraded, I was just thinking that it might not now be relevant.

Create a payment module.... hmmm that i will have to look up....

Its very kind of you to help George... this is the only barrier I have for this site to go live... very frustrating.... hopefully I hear back from paymate...

Kindest regards



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