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The e-commerce.

Where is the Welcome text in Main Body HOme Page.


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Honestly, I've tried to do my home work, last 2.5 hours, reading, viewing video's, searching folders/files, hunting and nothing.

I've changed this text prior and while I've tried to log where/how all changes have been made and must have considered this one so simple as to not need it. :(


The Text is not the "Welcome guest, care to log in........" text but that text right above it.

In the OSC demo the text is "Welcome to osCommerceDemo"







I suspect it is in catalog/index.php:

<h1><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></h1>


In catalog/include/languages/english/index.php, there's the default text:

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Welcome to ' . STORE_NAME);


It only took a few minutes to find, using Firebug (in Firefox). I selected that element and saw a unique id= just above it. I then used findstr (Windows) to find template_top.php (or something like that) with that id=. It didn't seem to include the <h1> of interest (which was right after it), so I did a findstr to find where template_top.php was used (most pages, including /index.php), and browsed /index.php for it. Right after the inclusion of template_top.php was <h1><?php echo... Now you know how to do it!


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