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Trying to set up a second store


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I have 2 domains,the first is setup and working

Main domain is billmart.org

2nd is fireandice.biz


I am setting up the 2nd store



the new domain is an add on domain directed to root /public_html/fireandice.biz and redirected to /catalog/


the new store shows up with no formating at all, just all the words on a blank page (http://www.firewandice.biz)


how would I fix this?




bill ([email protected])


For the benefit of those reading this thread trying to solve the same problem, please tell us what the fix is. The only thing ruder than leaving everyone hanging with such a teaser is erasing a question after receiving answers (whether they fixed the problem or not).


I reinstallaed oscommece and made sure it was in the proper dir and that my new domain was correctly pointedn to the new catalog dir


Also make sure you have setup a new base for each one. Right now at domains.com you can get a domain for 50 cents for a year, then point it back to your host and redirect it to the correct dir where the new store will be located.


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