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Custom Order Numbers with Self Populated Variables?


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I'm doing a new install for a convention payment gateway, and am attempting to keep it as near to our current order system as possible. Our current order system uses a custom system to indicate a header, the date, and the incremental order number within the invoice order.




[]= static string

{}=self populating variable


[OurConventionName][Gateway]{OrderDate}{starting number + increment by order} = NemoConOSC01232014500025


This allows us to rapidly diagnose any membership/order issues that we have with attendees onsite at pre-registration, by giving us an immediate paper trail of the convention, gateway, date of order, and order number.


Are you aware of any way to replicate this with OSCommerce?






It just occurred to me that this could also be accomplished via:


[]= static string

{}=self populating variable


[OurConventionName][Gateway]{OrderDate}[number]{system assigned order number} = NemoConOSC01232014500025

to accomplish the same goal, with the simplification of not having to do the {seed+incrementing order number} operation.




So, you don't care that {system assigned order number} could be duplicated across several different sales systems (they don't have to be synchronized)? Nor is it a problem that osC would not normally reset that osC-specific order number to 1 for each new Convention? Does this have to be the order number, or could it be additional information within the body of some document (e.g., printed on the ticket)? Internally, osC counts orders by integer values starting at 1, but I think I've heard of add-ons to do custom order number formats to be visible to customers. Have you searched the add-ons? If there are no existing add-ons, I think it would certainly not be terribly difficult to implement this.


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