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Give discount to new customers only


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I know that I should know the answer to this, but I have looked through the addons and I cant seem to find what I want.


I currently sell on both the website and on eBay. As I make more money on the products sold through the website, I want to offer all of the eBay customers a discount code allowing them to receive say a 10% discount on their first order from the website.


I have added the following to my 2.3 test site http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7700/v,23 but it doesn't look as If I can apply a discount to new customers and only allow new customers to use it once. I could set up an individual discount code for each of the customers, but to me that seems like a lot of work.


Does anyone have a suggestion on how this could be achieved or even if there is an addon to do this because I could not find one.



I cannot be the only person who wants to do this. Upselling using a discount code to new customers on a first order must have been talked about before, but I cannot find anything like this.


Does anyone have any ideas.



I always thought it an oversight that Discount Coupons doesn't offer that option. The Gift Vouchers addon has an option for giving a code to first time customers so you could trace through that code. The general idea though is to create a coupon code for one-time user per customer. Then in the shops code, add a function to check if this is a new account and allow the coupon code if it is. I don't know how you would determine if it was an EBay customer though, if that is a condition.


You could also install the Easy Discount addon. It allows you to apply a discount for any condition. It doesn't have an interface though so you would have to code the condition as needed.

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Steve will you be sending them an email to make the offer? If so, the Mailbeez add-on might be right up your alley.


@@Dan Cole

The discount code would be sent either in an email, which some might not read, or would be sent in with the eBay order and printed to look like a coupon or something similar.


I cant find a mailbeez module for new customer discounts.


I would like to make say a signup10 discount code for multiple use but only once per customer.


I can see that this may be a bit of a nightmare, which is why its not already done with easy backend.



Cheers for the guidance. I will take a look.



Steve now that I think about it some more, if you don't have the customer data in osC already Mailbeez might not be the best option. Mailbeez does have a new customer model but the customer account would need to be created first.


I kind of like Jacks suggestions but if you find that route more involved and requires more effort then you want to put into it why not keep it simple and just set up a generic coupon code and give it out to your ebay customers. I'd be surprised if you find that customer abuse it and use it more than once but if that becomes an issue you can always use a different code each month and have the old one expire. That should be a quick way to get it going and you could tweak it as needed based on your experience with it.


Hi - I don't know that discount module that you've installed so I'm assuming that it allows you to create a discount code along the lines of:

WELCOME10 = 10% discount single use per customer but multiple uses overall.


If it does then you could edit the order_total code in that add-on - looking at line 41


 if (($check['number_of_use'] == 0 ? 1 : ($check['total'] < $check['number_of_use'] ? 1 : 0)) == 1) {
	 $check_query = tep_db_query("select dc.products_id, dc.categories_id, dc.manufacturers_id, dc.excluded_products_id, dc.customers_id, dc.orders_total, dc.order_info, dc.exclude_specials, dc.discount_values, dc.number_of_products from " . TABLE_DISCOUNT_CODES . " dc where dc.discount_codes = '" . tep_db_input($sess_discount_code) . "' and if(dc.expires_date = '0000-00-00', date_format(date_add(now(), interval 1 day), '%Y-%m-%d'), dc.expires_date) >= date_format(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') and dc.minimum_order_amount <= " . $order->info['subtotal'] . " and dc.status = '1' limit 1");
	 if (tep_db_num_rows($check_query)) {


You'd need to either edit the $check_query or add code into the if(tep_db_num_rows loop that trips if WELCOME10 is the discount code and that code then excludes old accounts by disregarding accounts created earlier than your intended start date (customers_info table column customers_info_date_account_created).

Trouble is that would not stop folks from creating a new account just to get the discount - but I guess any discount code system can get abused.


Otherwise you could just email out the code and hope that old customers don't get to know?


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