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Some Problems with my shop


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Hello everbody,


I have some problems with my shop. My Administration panel look very curios ( http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3509/gtx89uxy_png.htm ) or it is normal that?

Problem no.2 my store dont show pictures and problem no.3 when I choose german language in admin panel nothing really happens (only a few words will be in german) <_<

Can you help me and sorry for my english :)






Thank you in advance!


Hi Raphael,


The first and major problem is that none of the files in your catalog/ext/ directory are accessible

for example ext/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js


you can verify this by viewing your page source and clicking on one of the links you will see


<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>



Maybe the files are missing or it could be an .htaccess problem





PS: When you get the jquery files fixed make sure you have installed the German language pack correctly

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



I delete the .htaccess file in /catalog/ext and in /catalog/images. My Administration panel looks normaly and my store display the pictures.Must i have the .htascces files? I have now a other problem :


error.gif Additional Protection With htaccess/htpasswd

This osCommerce Online Merchant Administration Tool installation is not additionally secured through htaccess/htpasswd means.

Enabling the htaccess/htpasswd security layer will automatically store administrator username and passwords in a htpasswd file when updating administrator password records.

Please note, if this additional security layer is enabled and you can no longer access the Administration Tool, please make the following changes and consult your hosting provider to enable htaccess/htpasswd protection:

1. Edit this file:



Remove the following lines if they exist:


AuthType Basic

AuthName "osCommerce Online Merchant Administration Tool"

AuthUserFile /customers/b/6/f/smb-it-solution.com/httpd.www/catalog/admin/.htpasswd_oscommerce

Require valid-user


2. Delete this file:



When you buy a template, you expect it to work. When it doesn't work who should you ask for help?


These questions need to be directed to the template vendor.


  • 2 months later...

buletinac's postings are we hope as innocent as they seem. When I clicked on one of his links, it installed a file on my computer. Now he wants us to click on a button, for no clear reason. There may be a case for banning buttons, in forum postings.


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