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"Strict Standards" causing errors on checkout


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Ok, so the ISP of a client website had to rebuild their web servers (including updates to MySQL and PHP) recently (over the weekend apparently). Now, whenever someone tries to checkout - either via the native checkout button or the PayPal (paypal express), it throws an error:


Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/imprint/public_html/storefront/includes/classes/xml_5.php on line 70


Any ideas where I need to make changes to prevent this from stopping a customer from purchasing from the webstore?








/includes/classes/xml_5.php is not a standard file in oscommerce.

I think (though I am not 100% sure) that it is a part of one of the UPS or USPS addons.

Find the addon you are using, find the addon support thread, post in it for support.


In general, this error is from using &=

Find the offending line of code and remove the ampersand.


@@burt, You are correct. I am using a USPS Shipping Methods addon. I'll check on the & (line 70 in this case has "$this->parser = &xml_parser_create();) to see if that is indeed triggering the "Strict Methods" fun and games.


I'll also post in the appropriate forum.






You can replace that copy of xml_5.php with the one from this archive. However, that XML library is obsolete and should no longer be used. It's being called from an old addon that should be replaced with a modern version.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Thanks to @@burt in the General Support forum, I have removed the "&" from line 70:


function XML(){

$this->parser = xml_parser_create(); #removed the & from "&xml_parser_create(); on 20 Jan 2014


This fixed the issue. It also fixed a secondary issue with the shipping method being shown on the webpage in white text (REALLY hard to read).




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