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Problem with installing payment modules


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We have successfully re-done our main store site from 2.2 to and seem to have cleared up all issues. We have a secondary site that we just moved to the new ip address and re-did, and everything is functioning there okay except for one thing. I can't install all the payment modules I want to install. I have a couple that I modified, from cod.php for example. When I tried to install a module (call it module 1), which I may have removed earlier, I ran into the problem.


When I would click on install modules and then click on Module 1, instead of an install button I would get the remove module button and edit button. When I tried the edit button, I got this message:


Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/yourstore/public_html/catalog/admin/modules.php on line 227

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/yourstore/public_html/catalog/admin/modules.php on line 228


When I clicked on the remove button, it removed Module 2. That would then not re-install either. All of a sudden, after I passed some files back and forth (don't know if that had anything to do with anything), it showed the install button for Module 1 and allowed editing and normal behavior. But it wouldn't take Module 2, giving me the same message as above when I clicked on edit - when I again tried remove module for Module 2, it removed Module 1. Then, later, it allowed the Module 2 to be installed but still won't allow the Module 1 to install. Any ideas???


Hi there, I have setup my PayPal and it also process the first checkout but again I am getting this error "

The field Shipping Address State is required"

I am using the latest version and did many optimization using the coding the other experts gave . Any help plz?


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