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cant create write to file /tmp


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on the admin panel , when i trying to use categories on the web there is an error cant create write to file /tmp

and i couldnt do anything


i already connecto to the server and trying to command for tmp

chown root:root /tmp

chmod 1777 /tmp

/etc/init.d/mysqld restart


bu i get the there is no /tmp directory on the server messages.


How can i fix this issue ?


Are you the "superuser" (root) account? If not, you won't be able to chown or chmod the /tmp directory. You might have permission via "su", but might need to know the root password. If you are on a shared server, you often don't have permission to write to /tmp, and need to define a "temporary" directory within your own (permitted) directory structure. Instead of /tmp, try just tmp or tmp/ in the configuration. If you do some searching, I believe this topic has been discussed many times before.


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