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Adding a space


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I Moved my Post Code and changed name to Zipcode in account_details.php.


Now it puts it one space to left. I've tried searching and cannot find out how to move it to the right one space. See:


Street Address: only required for shipping

City: only required for shipping

State/Province: only required for shipping

Zipcode: only required for shipping

Country: Please Select Afghanistan


How do you do this please?

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Okay, take a look at the create_account.php and account_edit.php and look for the section where they place the postcode.....see if there is a   somewhere that you need to move. :)

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Actually, I changed the name to zipcode in the / includes / languages / engligh.php file. I rearranged the block of code in the /includes/modules/account_details.php to come after the state instead of after the address.

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Does " " mean "space"?


Yep, that's "no break space"......


Maybe you need to add one or 2 to your change to align zipcode where you want it......

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Okay, go back to account_details.php....find the line where the zip code/post code is.......Does it look like this?


    <td class="main"> <?php echo ENTRY_POST_CODE; ?></td>


If it doesn't add the   back in......

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Great, thanks, it works. Am I going nutz here. When I go back to look at the account_details.php the line looks like it did before:

<td class="main"> <?php echo ENTRY_POST_CODE; ?></td>


So when I save it it goes away, yet it works. Do you know what is happening?


So now I've got Zipcode moved properly to the right but the text box behind it is still to the left and not aligned wtih the other boxes above it. How do I move that box to the right as well?

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Have you got a URL where I can take a peek? I'm afraid I am not visualizing the problem. You can PM it to me if the site is not ready for prime time..........

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            <td class="main"> 


 if ($is_read_only == true) {

   echo $account['entry_postcode'];

 } elseif ($error) {

   if ($entry_post_code_error == true) {

     echo tep_draw_input_field('postcode') . ' ' . ENTRY_POST_CODE_ERROR;

   } else {

     echo $postcode . tep_draw_hidden_field('postcode');


 } else {

   echo tep_draw_input_field('postcode', $account['entry_postcode']) . ' ' . ENTRY_POST_CODE_TEXT;




Did you remove any of the   from this section? Put them back... :D

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