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Header Shortcut Buttons


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My header shortcut buttons (Cart Contents, Check out, Account, logoff) are overlapping. So i modified code in header.php to add space in between the buttons and that worked fine here are my issues.


1. Logoff button is generated dynamically and so I don't know where to put code to add space there

2. From my computer at work the buttons overlapp, but my computer at home the buttons look fine. So when I add space at work and go home the buttons have space inbetween them. (using same browser, different hardware)



How can I resolve this issue. i know there have been similar posts but not where the buttons look one way on one computer and another on the next.


Can I adjust the size of the buttons? My logo is only 60 in width. Any help would be appreciated, regards.




Here are screen shots with modified code (I just added a few   to add space so they won't overlap as much This is the work computer can't access the other images at the moment.




Thanks for the assistance I think this has been resolved (not sure till I view home computer) I played with the .CSS with the following code to get this set up.



#headerShortcuts {

margin-top: -17px;





I believe this is only an IE issue at least was by me so you should consider maybe making an IE.css (stylesheet) and putting the code in template_top.php


and creating the stylesheet with your working code. I had to place this after the normal stylesheet call in template_top.php

I think it happened after I modified the header slightly and also removed x 1 column


<!--[if IE]>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IE.css" />





#headerShortcuts {

margin-top: -17px;









PS: Anyway remember to check in different browsers

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



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