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adding new text fields to payment modules


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Right now, the text I enter in /catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/cod.php (for example) after 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_TEXT_TITLE' shows up on the website during checkout, on my edit order page, on my admin page modules listings, and on emails sent. I would like to be able to have different text for different purposes. Can someone point me to a way to accomplish this? When I enter just a single word after define('MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_PUBLIC_TITLE' or define('MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_TEXT_DESCRIPTION'. it doesn't seem to be used anywhere, so I don't know what these fields are for. Thanks if anyone has info.

  • 1 month later...


Obivously these definitions are used later in osC files. You can try and define your own text for different purposes but you have to find where to put it afterwards. In your case in checkout.php, admin/edit.php, in the modules files and on checkout_success.php for email sent.



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