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The e-commerce.

Send an email with attachement - Working but...


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Hi everyone!


On a oscommerce version, I have modified tep_email() to send an attachement (a jpg)

(as seen in a similar thread:)

 $attachments = $message->get_file($attachment_file);
   $message->add_attachment($attachments, $attachment_name, $attachment_type);


I receive the attachement with Microsoft Outlook. So far so good.


However: with Incredimail and the email manager in Android OS, the attachement is not there.

The received .eml size is big (so the jpg is in there, at least its content) but the email does not show any attachements available.


Could it be a problem with a specific standard someone is not respecting (either the email class or the applications?)


Thank you for your insight!




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