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http authentication error in security check


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Does anyone know how I can resolve the error in security checks?


HTTP Authentication has not been set up for the osCommerce Administration Tool - please set this up in your web server configuration to further protect the Administration Tool from unauthorized access.


Your "admin" directory should have had its name changed to something unguessable (don't forget to update the entry in configure.php), and it should be password-protected so that you have to enter an ID and password to get into admin. Have both of these been done and are confirmed working?


Directory name has been changed. .htaccess security has been added and are confirmed working. However the only password and login is the regular admin login when I get to the login page. Should there be an additional login with user and pass aside from the form on the login page?


For a password-protected directory, yes there should be a separate ID and password to permit access. It sounds like maybe you didn't set up the password protection correctly. Use your hosting control panel to do it, rather than editing various files yourself or relying on something osC tried doing. Different hosts have different ways of doing password protection.


Well I contacted my web host and they password the protected directory so now I have to log in twice to access my admin control panel, however in the security check I still see the following warning message. Can anyone else help with resolving this warning message?


HTTP Authentication has not been set up for the osCommerce Administration Tool - please set this up in your web server configuration to further protect the Administration Tool from unauthorized access.


Is this an osC installation obtained from this site, or is it something your host or a third party provides as a "one click install"? Exactly what version is your osC? I can't find the message you're getting in a standard osC install.


Absolutely this is an original installation done by me personally. Please see attached screen shot for the error. It is the latest version



Admin - > configuration -> adminstrators -> click 'edit' -> check the field 'Protect With htaccess/htpasswd' -> click 'save' - then the http authentication error in security check should disappear.............


Thanks for the try but, I already have .htaccess/htpasswd set. and I still see the error.


osCommerce cannot see the password protection that your host set up, so it thinks you still haven't done it. It's safe to ignore this message.




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