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change color image


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Hi there, can somebody tell , how to change the color of this image sale.png, you can find it in, css/images


original color is black i want it red


Thanks for help ,Jean



Get an image editing program such as GIMP or Photoshop and load the image. There are controls for tuning colors using response curves. You probably could turn off green and blue components, and boost the red to get what you want. If the gray in use is uniform, you might even be able to "select" on that gray and fill ("flood") the selected area(s) with the shade of red you want. So that's at least two ways to do it. Worst case, magnify it to 800% zoom and overpaint any gray pixels with a red "pencil" of 1 pixel size.




If you need a free graphics program, take a look at Paint Shop Pro.

- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -


Thanks, Phil and Jim , i am using Photoschop for years ,, but it don't work, i overwrite the image (FTP) but its stil the same (black color)


I think ,, i must EDIT the CSS file the pickup a color number example ( #99111 ) something like that


The problem is , i don't know which line I must take ?




Hi Jean,

You would need to send a link to where the image is if it is css maybe someone can see where the css is coming from.



To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



No, the CSS isn't going to affect the color of an image. You're either pulling in the wrong image file (perhaps still cached by the browser?) or you failed to properly edit it in the first place (e.g., read-only file that wasn't saved). If you think you properly edited the file, try Ctrl+F5 in your browser to force a complete reload of the page.


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