Mort-lemur Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 OK This post is to post modifications / add-ons that you have found to work on, please try to keep to the thread and if you want to discuss your problems installing one of these, or getting it to work on your site go to the modifications support thread, or start a new thread to ask your question. Ill Start off with a few mods that I have installed that work "out of the box" or with minor tweeks, Im not saying they are well coded or that they will work on your site... Admin Comments Bar - Easy Install. link Modular Checkout Success - Easy Install. link Display Tax Below Price. Link: Simple Master Password. Link: Products Cost / Margins Mod link: Enhanced Contact Us: link: Important: Also requires some stylesheet.css changes as detailed here: read the whole thread as there are some other possible changes needed. Create Account Email Validator Link: Google Feeder, Link: .htaccess Website Optimisation, link: Recently Viewed V4 Link: Smart Suggest, Link:,23 Reviewers Name, Link:,23 Fancier invoice and packing slip, Link: CKEditor, Link: Orderlist, Link: - needs change as per post 27 of Choose Destination on Log-In if cart has Items Link: Order Editor, Link:,23 Create Account & Manual Order Maker, Link: Next Payment module: Bank Transfer Payment, Link: Telephone with card payment Link: collect in person Link: Favicon Icon Module Link: Google XML Sitemap Link: KissIT Image Thumbnailer: Monthly Sales / Tax Report Link: Must Accept Terms and Conditions Link: Multi - Geo Zone Multi Table shipping Link: Generic Box Link: Products monitor Link: Products Sold per Month / Year Link: Easy Populate Link: Information Pages Unlimited Link: Ultimate SEO URLs (Chemo) Link: I used the version 2-2.2d-11 by Jack-MCS Header Tags SEO installed: Link: Filesafe by FWR Media Link: Admin buttons Configuration Cache Link: easily increase the admin session lifeime to one hour +, Link: categories to be turned on and off via the admin Link: Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
♥Tsimi Posted January 8, 2014 Posted January 8, 2014 SEO Header Tags - Reloaded easy install on a "clean" osC Modular Front Page Superfish Categories Box (*Order Editor is not 100% working, maybe you should add a comment like "only works with AJAX set to true" or something like that)
Carismer Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 Hello There ! Having problem installing Information Pages Unlimited - Installation files says: In admin/includes/column_left.php Find: include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'tools.php'); AFTER add: // BOF: Information Pages Unlimited require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'information.php'); // EOF: Information Pages Unlimited the problem is that in osc - column_left.php doesnt even have such record. okay, i skiped this part, and did everything as it was said, in result - having this - check picture cant save page.. cant do nothing... any ideas what to fix ?
Mort-lemur Posted February 8, 2014 Author Posted February 8, 2014 Ignore that part of the instructions - also looks like you have missed some of the install instructions Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
♥GLWalker Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 This will work on any osC version. I meant to mark it as 2.3 when uploading but did not so it says 2.2 It is an older code snippet written by Chemo - it will squash your output and helps to speed up page load time. Someone posted in the contribution area it may not work becuase of a certian line, disregard as it does work well. Follow the community build: BS3 to osCommerce Responsive from the Get Go! Check out the new construction: Admin Gone to Total BS!
Mort-lemur Posted February 8, 2014 Author Posted February 8, 2014 @ That does not work on my site, it gives a white page, with the following in the error log : PHP Warning: preg_replace() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /home/username/public_html/includes/functions/general.php on line 53 Line 53 is the one mentioned in the add-on section of: $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\<'), $buffer)); Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
♥GLWalker Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 @@Mort-lemur Line 53 is the one mentioned in the add-on section of: $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\<'), $buffer)); My documentation must have a typo - it should be: $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\?\>)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\</'), array('\1', '><'), $buffer)); So the other commenter was correct - I had double checked my actual install and not the documentation. Whoops. Follow the community build: BS3 to osCommerce Responsive from the Get Go! Check out the new construction: Admin Gone to Total BS!
Mort-lemur Posted February 8, 2014 Author Posted February 8, 2014 @ Hi, That fixes the white page and the error, but the mod destroys the format and layout of my pages. Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
Carismer Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 Hello There! Is anyone can confirm that Information Pages unlimited was successfully instlalled on osc ?
♥joli1811 Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 Hi Yes works fine used the version from SLiCK_303 version as the newer ocs1409 has BUGS with the admin/information_list.php and admin/information_manager.php if you have already installed just over write the files mentioned above . Regards Joli To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Mort-lemur Posted February 9, 2014 Author Posted February 9, 2014 @@Carismer Im using it without issue Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
Carismer Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 I made it also! problem is with versions, i used 2.07 which was wrong.. version from 25 may from SLiCk was correct one!
♥14steve14 Posted April 30, 2014 Posted April 30, 2014 It would appear that the following also works Select product image directory - REMEMBER BACKUP, BACKUP AND BACKUP
burt Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 Please do not use this thread for support issues for addons that do or do not work when you upgrade. This thread is SOLELY for stating that a given addon works in Thanks.
♥joli1811 Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Please do not use this thread for support issues for addons that do or do not work when you upgrade. This thread is SOLELY for stating that a given addon works in Thanks. Good That someone gets that old Vanquisher of Demons vacuum cleaner out once in a while :D To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
oscMarket Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 Breadcrumbs for admin :,12619 (very useful to see in what level of the category you are in when editing/adding)
♥joli1811 Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 @@Mort-lemur My documentation must have a typo - it should be: $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\?\>)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\</'), array('\1', '><'), $buffer)); So the other commenter was correct - I had double checked my actual install and not the documentation. Whoops. @ was still getting an error so added another escape seems fine now loading very fast :thumbsup: $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\?\/>)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\</'), array('\1', '><'), $buffer)); To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Mort-lemur Posted October 11, 2014 Author Posted October 11, 2014 @@joli1811 maybe my eyes - but both sets of code look the same to me ? Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
Dan Cole Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 @@Mort-lemur For some reason my eyes seem to be working today...there is an extra escape character... $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\? ... \ <---- ... />)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\</'), array('\1', '><'), $buffer)); but for some reason the email editing options don't seem to be working for me. Dan Need help? See this thread and provide the information requested. Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC community version (CE Phoenix) here.
♥joli1811 Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 @ was still getting an error so added another escape seems fine now loading very fast :thumbsup: $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\?\/>)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\</'), array('\1', '><'), $buffer)); $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\?\/>)\n)[\s]+/m', '/\>\s+\</'), array('\1', '><'), $buffer)); @@Mort-lemur @@MrPhil Sorry thought I had marked in red was reading this thread and thought I would play about Regards Joli To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
♥GLWalker Posted October 13, 2014 Posted October 13, 2014 @@joli1811 Was this error in the latest package I updated about a week ago? The html markup was killing the format so I placed it in a text file. If I uploaded it wrong again I think I will drop a 1000lbs anvil right on my hand and grin like a bear. Follow the community build: BS3 to osCommerce Responsive from the Get Go! Check out the new construction: Admin Gone to Total BS!
♥joli1811 Posted October 13, 2014 Posted October 13, 2014 Yes drop that anvil (w00t) but not on your coding hand need that haha the html markup was killing the format again in the text file small example below not sure how it will show on the forum but all those backslashes were there. The add on itself is great hitting around 90 page speed on a site with a load of extra jquery {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265\cocoasubrtf210 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 /**\ * Callback function for output buffering to compress output\ * \{@[member='Source']\}\ * @[member='author'] Bobby Easland\ * @[member='copyright'] Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Bobby Easland\ * @[member='licensed2kill'] GNU Public License\ * @[member='Link'] osCommerce Specialist\ * @[member='param'] string $buffer Current buffer layer\ * @[member='Return'] string\ */\ \ function chemoCompress($buffer)\{\ preg_match_all("!<style[^>]+>.*?</style>!is", $buffer, $match);\ $styles = $match[0];\ \ preg_match_all("!<script[^>]+>.*?</script>!is", $buffer, $match);\ $scripts = $match[0];\ \ preg_match_all("!<pre[^>]*>.*?</pre>!is", $buffer, $match);\ $pre = $match[0];\ \ preg_match_all("!<textarea[^>]+>.*?</textarea>!is", $buffer, $match);\ $textareas = $match[0];\ \ $search = array("!<style[^>]+>.*?</style>!is", "!<script[^>]+>.*?</script>!is", "!<pre[^>]*>.*?</pre>!is", "!<textarea[^>]+>.*?</textarea>!is");\ $replace = array('@TRIM:STYLE@', '@TRIM:SCRIPT@', '@TRIM:PRE@', '@TRIM:TEXTAREA@');\ $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);\ \ $buffer = trim(preg_replace(array('/((?<!\\?\\>)\\n)[\\s]+/m', '/\\>\\s+\\</'), array('\\1', '><'), $buffer));\ \ \ $searches = array('@TRIM:STYLE@' => $styles, '@TRIM:SCRIPT@' => $scripts, '@TRIM:PRE@' => $pre, '@TRIM:TEXTAREA@' => $textareas);\ \ foreach($searches as $search => $replace )\{\ $len = strlen($search);\ $pos = 0;\ $count = count($replace);\ \ if ($count < 1)\{\ continue;\ \}\ \ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) \{\ if ( false !== ($pos = strpos($buffer, $search, $pos)) ) \{\ $buffer = substr_replace($buffer, $replace[$i], $pos, $len);\ \} else \{\ continue;\ \}\ \}\ \} # end foreach\ \ return $buffer;\ \} # end function\ } To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Mort-lemur Posted October 13, 2014 Author Posted October 13, 2014 So the answer is? Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.
♥joli1811 Posted October 13, 2014 Posted October 13, 2014 @@Mort-lemur Attached a includes/function/general.php the function is at the top marked /**BOF JOHN about 60 lines.EOF JOHN Better just to grab the code as the file may have been modified not sure don't think so took extra code out before posting Now not sure 100% correct but working for me best do the install as per instructions from Gary and compare before and after with gtmetrix I done a few speed optimizations got a 2.3.4 site (heavy with jquery) from 57 - 89 but never tested just this function on its own so would be interesting the difference. general.php To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
♥GLWalker Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Thank you for releasing the anvil @@joli1811 I have now gave the function its own php file and changed application_top to simply require it and start the buffer before includes/functions/general.php I probably should have put a check in to ensure that GZIP_COMPRESSION != 'true' before it will load and start, but just thought of that and Ive already uploaded the package. Follow the community build: BS3 to osCommerce Responsive from the Get Go! Check out the new construction: Admin Gone to Total BS!
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