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how to change the mix value of product header ?


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I want add more character in the product header field , when I add new product. How to change the setting ? Thanks


some of my prodcut name is very long. part of product name was missing after added . i want add more character for my product. how can I do it ? anyone know ? :rolleyes:


Using your host's database management tool, go to the products_description table, click on the structure tab, and examine the products_name field. It should have a type of varchar(255). That 255 is the number of characters the database will accept. Try changing that to a larger number. If it won't let you, then change the type to text.




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Using your host's database management tool, go to the products_description table, click on the structure tab, and examine the products_name field. It should have a type of varchar(255). That 255 is the number of characters the database will accept. Try changing that to a larger number. If it won't let you, then change the type to text.





thanks mate. the problem has been fixed.


Do you know if there a addon that allow buyer to choose different opion from the pull down manu on the same product page. such colour and size of that product


The ability to choose different options is built into osCommerce. That is done in product_info.php for each product.


If you want to add that function to the product listing/category page, there is an addon for that. I don't remember the name of it right now. A search of the addons area will probably turn it up.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


The ability to choose different options is built into osCommerce. That is done in product_info.php for each product.


If you want to add that function to the product listing/category page, there is an addon for that. I don't remember the name of it right now. A search of the addons area will probably turn it up.





Thanks for your respons . wondering where is the product_info.php ? and how can I edit "product_info.php" to activate this function


You need to add to the product a product attribute from the product attributes area within your admin. Log in to your admin and go to catalog and click the product attributes link. Create a new option name, and option value, then add that option to the product using the drop down menu on the page.


The option will then be visible from the stores item product page.



You need to add to the product a product attribute from the product attributes area within your admin. Log in to your admin and go to catalog and click the product attributes link. Create a new option name, and option value, then add that option to the product using the drop down menu on the page.


The option will then be visible from the stores item product page.


the built in drop down manual is kind of complecated. I want two drop down manual for one product. when the buyer choose colour and than he need to choose size . is there any easier double addon drop down manual for this application ?


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