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Product name link


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How can I achieve dynamic product name link in product_info

I'm not a coder, but can copy paste ;)


here is the current product name line of php code of customized osc.


<h1 class="name"><?php echo $products_name; ?></h1>





currently individual product info page has Product name,

for eg: www.store.com/sony-camera


I want to make Product Name link to self page: Sony Camera


<h1 class="name"><a href="http://store.com/sony-camera/"><?php echo $products_name; ?></a></h1> <- this is static

<h1 class="name"><a href="http://store.com/product-url/"><?php echo $products_name; ?></a></h1> <- need to do it dynamically, I don't know how to do it.


Thanks and Happy New Year


Still can't follow. You must be talking about the text on the page, even though you mention the url. If so, the text on the page already as the product name changed dynamically. Are you trying to make it a link to itself?

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Yes, Link to itself...


I've done some copy pasting.. and achieved it. Do let me know if it is correct or need any corrections, as of now product page is perfectly linked to itself.


<h1 class="name"><a <?php echo 'title="' . $product_info['products_name'] . ' - ' . my company . '"'; ?> href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id'], 'NONSSL') ?>"><?php echo $products_name; ?></span></a></h1>


I hope this may be helpful for others too.


Regards and Happy New Year


My shop is heavily moded, tries header tag seo earlier, something went wrong so I rolled back.

In google webmaster I setted up structured data, but it fetches other pages in that group as well and consider as error.


So best solution for me is to deploy within site,

I'll give a try to SEO Header Tags Reloaded. Is there any edit document available like what to update/edit/replace. as I can't just replace whole file.




Get used to using a compare program such as "beyond compare" or "winmerge".


I really dislike "do this do that" instructions as they dumb down the average user, and of course are only useful if your store is not already modified.


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