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My web page won't display properly in the screen.


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Hi, I created the following web site. http://leavenworthembroidery.com It seems that the pages display properly on my screen. (the computer that created the web site) but it is too big on other computers. When I first created it I thought everything was fine until someone told me about this. Again, it works perfectly on my desktop computer but other computers it's not appearing properly.


What do I need to do to correct this problem?


You are missing all your jquery files and css this you can check by viewing page source and clicking on the various links

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext/jquery/ui/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.22.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/jquery/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.22.min.js"></script>

Check first that the files are there.




To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



I think I know what I did. Once the site was created I needed to change permissions on some files to secure the site according to the OsCommerce checks. I think I disable read for some of those files. I am going to try to restore the site from backup.

I didn't document which files I changed permissions on.,


I think I know what I did. Once the site was created I needed to change permissions on some files to secure the site according to the OsCommerce checks. I think I disable read for some of those files. I am going to try to restore the site from backup.

I didn't document which files I changed permissions on.,


Well the files that are causing the problem are in the catalog/ext/ directory so check the ext

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



I rebuilt the site. I'm pretty good at re-doing it. I believe this may be the fourth time.


Below are the messages that got me in trouble. I disabled all permissions and cleared the messages but that's what caused my other issues. Do I just disable write permissions or all permissions?


ms_warning.png Admin HTTP Authentication admin_http_authentication HTTP Authentication has not been set up for the osCommerce Administration Tool - please set this up in your web server configuration to further protect the Administration Tool from unauthorized access. ms_success.png admin/backups/ Directory Listing admin_backup_directory_listing preview.gif ms_success.png admin/backups/ File Access admin_backup_file preview.gif ms_warning.png config_file_catalog config_file_catalog I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/hillebrr/public_html/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file. ms_success.png default_currency default_currency ms_success.png default_language default_language ms_success.png download_directory download_directory ms_warning.png ext/ Directory Listing ext_directory_listing The //ext/ directory is publicly accessible and/or browsable - please disable directory listing for this directory in your web server configuration. preview.gif ms_success.png extended_last_run extended_last_run ms_success.png file_uploads file_uploads ms_success.png install_directory install_directory ms_warning.png MySQL UTF-8 mysql_utf8 Some database tables need to be converted to UTF-8 (utf8_unicode_ci). Please review the tables under Tools -> Database Tables. preview.gif ms_success.png session_auto_start session_auto_start ms_success.png session_storage session_storage ms_success.png Version Check version_check


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