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Max User Connection Database Error after upgrading to


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Upgraded from 2.3.3 to and all seemed fine except for the Header Tags SEO by Jack MCS which stopped working. Furthermore, when I tried to reset the Header Tags Admin page settings, it took the whole site down with the following error.

Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (42000/1203): User already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in includes/functions/database.php on line 20

Unable to connect to database server!


Does require a higher setting, or is there an oversight in the upgrade process, or is the said header tags contribution not compatible with the latest release? Any suggestions to resolve this issue shall be highly appreciated.


Seasons Greetings!!!


There are a few fixes in the Header Tags SEO support thread that might cause such a problem but, as I recall, they were in admin so your shop side should still work. I think it is more likely some mistake was made in the upgrade or some cache setting is causing a problem. I suggest turning off cache, gzip and the url rewriter, if you use one. Also, be sure you go into admin->Tools and convert the database.

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