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The e-commerce.

problems on upgarde from 2.2X to


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My web site www.OrchidsAmore.com was badly hacked three months ago. (Through osCommerce admin section.)


My hosting company suggested a new clean install. I had been using 2.2.X for may years.


I I reinstalled the web site from a clean backup without the store. I then installed renamed the admn section and converted the database to the correct format. The conig files show the correct database. I did the other recommendations (delete install, change security on conig to unwriteable etc) There are no add ons, only basic osCommerce. I have not even modified th PHP files to my logo or text change. The web site has been hacked since the old admin was removed.


The store comes up but only displays NEW ITEMS FOR DECEMBER. It does not display the categories I had in 2.2X. When I go to the new admin section it does show all categories and items as before.


It also does not display the attached photos which is critical for sale of live Orchids. the photos are all installed in catalog/images as they were in the old version


There are only two selections on the top of the store page TOP CATALOG. TOP returns to the min site and CATALOG does nothing.


A GUES CAN NOT get past the few displayed items. A register user can click NEW ITEMS and will get a list of all item without photos in a long unsorted list.


One repeat customer navigated this maze and placed an order. The email confirmation was sent to him and also to me. The order file in admin fails to display the order although it is written to the database. It displays all orders prior to the new installation. I have tried several test orders and the result is consistent.


I created a new customer and it allows orders but the customer is not visible in the admin section. If I log off and try to log back-in the login fails. It can t read the customer, but if I try to register the email is not allowed as already existing. So the record is recorded but not everything can read it.


I have been a programmer for 40 years an upgrades should not be this difficult. I have lost the entire Christmas season


Getting the categories and images back and being able to read new additions to the database must be solved.




Did you remove all files from the site before the new install?


Did you check the db for backdoors?





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all files were deleted and scans removed malicious code and a backdoor before the install


all code tested clean before the new installation.


The database is behind a secure node and is encrypted. It has not shown any malicious code in several scans.


There has been no more hacking since this last install.


The problem seems to be the code is not reading the indexes. I have worked with a similar issue on large mainframe computers where the code was writing new files BEFRE the first record rather than at the end. That made them unreadable. this would not happen with a new database..


I use Microsoft expression web 4. When I went to rename the admin section, Expression web warned me that the rename would break all links. It allowed me to transfer metadata with the rename to preserve the links. I had renamed the admin section on the host computer originally and nothing worked. I deleted the store and reloaded from my computer after renaming the admin section. When Expression web added the metadata on my computer before up loading the code everything worked except reading the files, displaying the categories and the images.


The hacking was only standard phishing transferring customers to other sales offers, not destructive hacking.


An aside, are other people having a problem with this forum? Typing fast drops about every 10th letter. It takes me forever to correct he typing.


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