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Security Risk reported by gambio.de may also appear to OSC 2.x


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Some days ago gambio.de reported a security hole in their shop software which also occurs in xt:commerce and other oscommerce based shop systems.

As I found out, the security hole may also appear in some versions of oscommerce. Here's a patch for those who want to be safe (besides that I strongly recommend securing the admin area with htaccess!).


In /catalog/admin/whos_online.php just after:

while ($whos_online = tep_db_fetch_array($whos_online_query)) {


add the following line of code:

   $whos_online['last_page_url'] = htmlentities($whos_online['last_page_url']);


Could please one of the developers check and confirm?


All credits go to gambio.de, great job guys!

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Yes, here it is: http://www.gambio.de/security-patch-dez2013-div.html

Unfortunately only in German. It says basically:

With the Security Patch published here, we close a security hole that we consider to be very critical. Attackers would be able to create an admin account, and gain control over the entire shop and all data.

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The first v2.3.3.1 oscommerce release fix prevent the hack. Gambio's fix is very similar.



Parse REQUEST_URI with tep_db_prepare_input() before storing the value in the database. Replace REMOTE_ADDR with tep_get_ip_address().

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