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Change the position of "specials"


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Hey! I am "cleaning" my store and removed all itens from the third collumn.


Anyway, I wanted to put "specials" in my first collumn, under "what's new".







My question is... how do I that? =\


I am more usted to html code and I confess I am lost when in concern to doing this with all those PHP files.


Any help is welcome! :)





how did you remove the items/boxes from the 3rd column?

no php skills necessary for this. can be all done through the admin area.


inside the admin area go to "Modules" -> "Boxes"


there you see a list of all boxes.


click on "Specials" -> "content placement" set to "left column"


then you have to adjust the sort order if you want to have the specials between information and what's new.

the sort order for what's new should be 1040 by default and the information box has a sort order of 1050 so just give the specials box a sort order like 1045.

or you can change all sort orders that's up to you.




Thanks for youre reply. I overlooked that function in the admin painel! :) That change is quite easy. :)




I removed them simply by deleting the respective files! :D Not sure if it because of that, but I am facing some problems in the admin painel regarding the boxes. They remain although I have removed and uploaded the original files again.


Thanks once again! :)


If you uploaded the deleted files back again try to uninstall the boxes that you deleted and re-install them again through the admin area. modules -> boxes area. And then deactivate them also through the admin area by setting their status to false.



Hello. I have done that, but the problem remains: I can't instal all modules - Only 10 or some combinations of them! o.O


Anyway, not the biggest issue since I managed to instal all modules that were important to me! :)



Was it supposed the "specials" box to disapear when I select a product?



that seems to be normal, when you go to the product_info.php page the specials box disappears and others like social bookmarks box or notifications box

appear. don't ask me how to show the specials box all the time, i have no idea how to do that.


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