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1 IP with multiple shopping_cart opened


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Hi all,


I noticed that my site is running slow & server is overloading so I go to who's online from Admin. I see few same IPs with whole bunch (10 or more) of shopping_cart pages open.


Once I banned these IPs from the site server load goes back to normal level. During last month, my site's cache failed twice and now I suspect this may have been the problem. Cache failed again yesterday and I reseted them and this morning site was working fine. I've been checking who's online regularly and I see this happening again.




I'm in US but IP is from Germany but using multiple shopping_cart.php. I banned this IP and server load goes back to normal level.


Did anyone have same problem or solution to this problem? Any help will be much appreciated.

I'm running v 2.3.1.

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That is usually due to hackers or data skimmers. They can easily take down a site due to their visits. Most of those use multiple IP's so banning one is almost useless. If you install my View counter addon it will allow you to look up their range of IP's, which can then be blocked from admin. But even with that, they will continue to come - it can be an on-going job - but if you get rid of some of the obvious ones, it should not be as bad. You can also block the whole country via their IP's in the .htaccess file. This works well for a few countries but when too many are added, the size of that file becomes an issue. If your host has the MaxMind geoip package installed, you can easily block whole countries using it with only a small increase in size of that file.

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