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Restricting certain products from paypal payments


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I run an adult orientated web site that Paypal does not like certain products I sell.


Is it possible to set certain products to only pay through an alternative payment or check/cheque?


Or is it possible to direct me in the right direction.




I don't believe there is a contribution that would allow that, however it wouldn't be too difficult to code it.






I am thinking of something similar, but I want certain products to be bought with only paypal ie virtual products. I will look into this more and let you know what I find.



Hazmat products addon (commercial) does something like this.


You set certain products "hazardous" and can then use that setting to do

things (eg, select special shipping, invoke an order_total, pay by paypal [or not], and so and so forth).


This looked like a good challange for the morning, so I threw this together on a fresh 2.3.X install


In checkout_payment.php find:

$selection = $payment_modules->selection();

After add this:

 $products = $cart->get_products();
 for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
   $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');
   if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
  for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
    if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
	  array_splice($selection, $i, 1);


What this does is check the product id in the cart, and if any of the ids match what is in the array then it will next check for which payment method should be excluded.


There may be a more elegant way of coding it, without so much looping, but it worked any way I tried it.


To Use:

On the line with $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15'); replace 134,145,15 with the product ids you want to exclude from payment method, all comma seperated.



On the line if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') { Replace paypal_express with the clas name of the payment method you are using. If your using paypal standard, the class name is paypal_standard


I didnt even try to make this work to skip PayPal express on the shopping_cart page, but something very simular would work.


I originally saw the $allowed_array code long ago in a nifty oscommerce cookbook by @@Monika in Germany

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I run an adult orientated web site that Paypal does not like certain products I sell.


Is it possible to set certain products to only pay through an alternative payment or check/cheque?


Or is it possible to direct me in the right direction.


I know from past experience if paypal ever did get round to checking the website (maybe payment dispute) and they deemed certain products unsuitable they would just close your account even if 80-90-% were suitable and the account money possibly frozen for 6 months.


So you need to be careful you should instead be looking for payment provider who accepts adult content


You may get away with it for 1 - 2 years but you should definitely have a back up plan.




To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



I have removed the offending products for now (disabled). Paypal has said that if I wish to continue with these products it would be fine, as long as the payments did not go through Paypal.


So the alternative option would be to allow them by cheque or postal order.


Well if paypal allowed then nice they are getting better the last few years


I suppose you could the restrict payment for the items to maybe the alternative payment system moneybookers, bank transfer also being ones that spring to mind


Just putting all the eggs in one basket would not be advisable.

Best of luck


To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



What is the plan if the customer's basket has a mixture of items allowed and disallowed by a given payment system? I presume you're not going to ask for partial payment with one system and part with something else. So if there are any items banned by PayPal, you would remove PayPal from the list of possible payment systems? I think @Websource5 was trying to do something like that. What's your fallback if all your normal payment methods are rejected -- would you then allow a method (e.g., check, COD) you normally don't take? I would also be careful to offer an explanation of why any/all of your normal payment methods are excluded -- some people might have shopped with you because you offer certain payment methods (e.g., PayPal), and be ticked off at checkout time if that method is suddently not there! At a minimum, on pages of products that trigger this, something like "Sorry... PayPal and BitCoin cannot be accepted for a purchase of this product."




Not sure if you realize that PayPal does NOT have a seller protection policy for virtual products. There is rampant fraud when PayPal is used for non-tangible products.






This looked like a good challange for the morning, so I threw this together on a fresh 2.3.X install


In checkout_payment.php find:

$selection = $payment_modules->selection();

After add this:

$products = $cart->get_products();
for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
$allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');
if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
 for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
 if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
	 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);


What this does is check the product id in the cart, and if any of the ids match what is in the array then it will next check for which payment method should be excluded.


There may be a more elegant way of coding it, without so much looping, but it worked any way I tried it.


To Use:

On the line with $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15'); replace 134,145,15 with the product ids you want to exclude from payment method, all comma seperated.



On the line if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') { Replace paypal_express with the clas name of the payment method you are using. If your using paypal standard, the class name is paypal_standard


I didnt even try to make this work to skip PayPal express on the shopping_cart page, but something very simular would work.


I originally saw the $allowed_array code long ago in a nifty oscommerce cookbook by @@Monika in Germany


Is it possible to prevent the payment of another option too? i.e. I have Paypal, NoChex and Check. Is it possible to stop NoChex too.


I did try but i could only get 1 or the other to stop.




Not sure if you realize that PayPal does NOT have a seller protection policy for virtual products. There is rampant fraud when PayPal is used for non-tangible products.






Chris. I am fully aware of this. My downloads are so cheap, and I have never had any problems, so its not too bad.



Is it possible to prevent the payment of another option too?


Yes, it is, try this:


$products = $cart->get_products();
 for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
    $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');
    if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
	  for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
		    if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			  array_splice($selection, $i, 1);
	  for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
		    if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			  array_splice($selection, $i, 1);

or this may work better - (or not at all)

$products = $cart->get_products();
 for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
    $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');
    if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
	  for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {

             if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			  array_splice($selection, $i, 1);

		    if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			  array_splice($selection, $i, 1);


Again, change the class names, product id's, etc;


For each payment you want to exclude, repeat the pattern, I havent tested this, but I'm pretty sure the first example above will work, but if the second one works, then use it instead.

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@ Following this with interest,


Is there a way to change this code so that only one or two payment methods are accepted for items with a value greater than "X"? (Namely Bank Transfer or Cheque).


some of my items are high value and the % applied on these for card / paypal transactions means I cant price competitively.


I was toying with another method but this one seems far simpler if it can be adapted.


Many Thanks

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.


Yes, it is, try this:


$products = $cart->get_products();
for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
 $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');
 if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
	 for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
		 if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);
	 for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
		 if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);

or this may work better - (or not at all)

$products = $cart->get_products();
for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
 $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');
 if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
	 for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {

if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);

		 if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
			 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);


Again, change the class names, product id's, etc;


For each payment you want to exclude, repeat the pattern, I havent tested this, but I'm pretty sure the first example above will work, but if the second one works, then use it instead.


Thank you for your help. The second option will allow one of the payments through, which ever one you selected first, the second will stop the second but allow the first.


The first option works as it stops all transactions all together and only allows the Check / Money Order which is perfect.


This would be cool if you could set the Paypal option on product creation to save messing around. But I dont expect you to go that far. One final request however. I have tried entering a echo "Your cart contains a product which is not allowed through Paypal"; before the

array_splice($selection, $i, 1); but that didnt work. Any ideas?


If fact, forget it, i got it to work, it was in the right place but not noticable.


by entering the line

print "<div class='errorBox'>You have items in your cart that are not allowed through Paypal or NoChex</div>";


It shows as an error and then people will know they cant do it.


Try adding something like the following alert before the code, and then after the products array.


$products = $cart->get_products();
for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) {
	 $allowed_array = explode(',' , '134,145,15');

$pp-alert='Your cart contains a product which is not allowed through Paypal';

	 if ((in_array($products[$i]['id'], $allowed_array))) {
			 for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
					 if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
							 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);
			 for($i=0, $n=sizeof($selection); $i<$n; $i++) {
					 if($selection[$i]['id'] == 'paypal_express') {
							 array_splice($selection, $i, 1);


Then somewhere after, maybe at below the checkout methods table, just add:

<?php echo $pp-alert; ?>


Well hows that for timing? :)

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