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Display Customers Fax on orders.php


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I understand most of the items pulled on orders.php (a customers order) is not pulled from the customers database but rather from the database of order history.


So is there a way to display a fax number on that page pulling from the customer table or would I have to make the system save it to order history and pull from the order history?


Any tips on how to do either way?

Thank you


You want to display the faxnumber from the original registration of the customer?


There is no need to save it to the orders table then, as the customer's ID is saved in the orders table and you can join with that ID to the customers table when pulling the order in admin.


I guess I would modify the order class in admin/includes/classes/order.php:


Add an extra query to get the fax number




Add a join in the select statement of the orders table.


Good luck!




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