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database transfer from 2.2 to


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I have an old shop running a frankenstein 2.2 version and have since put a version in a separate directory. Basically, my old version also uses a mysql 4 database and cannot be successfully imported the new version, using mysql 5. ON a side note, the server has been upgraded to PHP 5.4 and mysql 5.1.


Since the old website had to be updated anyways, I figured I should just use the newest versions and forget about the old hacks and try importing sections of the old database into the new, just the important stuff like products, customers, etc. So that's what I am trying to do but having a little bit of problems. I won't be using any of the old addons so that's part of my problems.


The old database had extra columns and fields in the products tables (because of addons that I won't be using again) that I need to eliminate to achieve a successful import. My question is, how do I eliminate those columns for every field without having to delete it manually per line? Or, would it be easier to add the old columns to the new database even though I won't be using them. If so, how would I go about doing so? I am dealing with thousands upon thousands of items.


TLDR: I'm just looking to start over with a fresh version of OSC but import parts of the old 2.2 database into the new. Mostly, customers, products, categories, etc. Problem is, the old version has many hacks and updated/added columns that need to be removed before I can import the data into the new. How do I go about removing those columns per field instantly versus per line?


And, can someone point me in the direction of an easy to use mysql editor?


Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Matt,


Now not a complete expert but if you duplicate/backup your database and then just use the sql command drop (the extra columns) in table structure from the products tables in the old copy database then export you should be good to go with an import into 2.3




PS: just check the structure is the same and skip the top of the export file ( create table etc) you only need the insert statement

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



Thank you Joli. That's what I needed to know. Wasn't sure if dropping the column would affect the rows too or just the structure. Thanks for the tip.


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