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cookie and cache errors ? don't understand


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I have two warnings which I don't understand:


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/andreout/public_html/catalog/index.php:3) in /home/andreout/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 104


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/andreout/public_html/catalog/index.php:3) in /home/andreout/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 104



The site works on my PC using WAMP

I moved it to Godaddy ... had to make some very small changes for it to work there ... but I don't understand this error

and therefore am not sure where to start to fix it


Can anyone help ??


It's telling you that somewhere in the vicinity of line 3 of /catalog/index.php, something is sending output to the browser. It's not necessarily exactly on line 3, so you'll have to hunt around. Usually it's something before the initial <?php tag... blanks and other whitespace, Byte Order Markers from editors, even some code a hacker has inserted. In your browser, look at the "Page Source" and see if you can recognize anything before the expected output (blanks, funny characters, Javascript code, etc.). If you are running in UTF-8, use "View > Character Set" to change it to Latin-1/ISO-8859-1/Western European, and see if a funny 3-character Byte Order Mark shows up (reverse ? + i-umlaut + double right >>).


When tags and text are sent to the browser, it causes a flush of the HTTP headers to the browser. You can't send any more headers after that point. If the tags and text are sent too early, this will break the program.


You have "whitespace" at the start of index.php


white space is blank lines or spaces before the first <?php

You have "whitespace" at the start of index.php


white space is blank lines or spaces before the first <?php


Thank you burt ... very much appreciated

there were two lines of white space due to my untidy cut and paste exercises.


It's telling you that somewhere in the vicinity of line 3 of /catalog/index.php, something is sending output to the browser. It's not necessarily exactly on line 3, so you'll have to hunt around. Usually it's something before the initial <?php tag... blanks and other whitespace, Byte Order Markers from editors, even some code a hacker has inserted. In your browser, look at the "Page Source" and see if you can recognize anything before the expected output (blanks, funny characters, Javascript code, etc.). If you are running in UTF-8, use "View > Character Set" to change it to Latin-1/ISO-8859-1/Western European, and see if a funny 3-character Byte Order Mark shows up (reverse ? + i-umlaut + double right >>).


When tags and text are sent to the browser, it causes a flush of the HTTP headers to the browser. You can't send any more headers after that point. If the tags and text are sent too early, this will break the program.


Thank you Mr Phil ... very much appreciated

there were two lines of white space due to my untidy cut and paste exercises.




I'm with GoDaddy and came across your post.


It sounds like @@MrPhil's suggestion worked for you. If you are still recieving the errors please reply or send me a private message and I would be more than happy to look into this further for you.


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