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The e-commerce.

I completely redesigned my site


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Would you be upset if I told you the contents of your Category box is sitting 2-3" away from the Shop on a 1600x1200 monitor? :shock:


I like the layout otherwise ... :D

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Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/kindred/public_html/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!


:? [/code]

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I think it looks really nice. I really like your redesign.


One comment is that I'm geting very slow load times on my DSL connection. You may want to consider shrinking your image sizes. I'm sure you can reduce your navigation image as well as install the Image Resize mod so you aren't loading all the full sized pictures everytime you load a page of thumbnails.


Also, on the New page and only that page, a javascript menu pops up on the right side of the browser window. Doesn't fit in.

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really nice and simple (in a good way ;) ) design.


possible improvements:

1. make the black font on the category navigation with while outline. it would then be much more readable.


2. cropping (with slight redisign/repositionning) can take about 200px off the bottom of your page. currently it's quite lengthy. at least make it filled with content.

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Thanks for your comments. I have made some changes that have been suggested. I am still working on redoing the header text (with white outline) ;)


I'm getting a fair amount of traffic, but attracting more customers is proving to be difficult. How long does it take usually to build a good customer base? What is a good return rate? Right now I have a return rate of 35%. I'm thinking it should be higher though?


Any further insight would be great! Thanks :)

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