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Broadband modems - connecting two together?


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Sorry if this post is in the wrong place, there does not seem to be an off-topic folder.


I have two broadband router modems connected to two different BB suppliers as I need reliability as one or the other drops out due to my rural location.


I have various devices connected to one router or the other and various devices connected to various PC's so unless the PC's are logged on to the same router, the device fails to work. In the case of printers I usually end up with loads of multiple print out when the PC's are finally matched (due to operators re-trying to get a print out)


Is it safe/possible to use a standard cat5 cable between the two routers, then is it easy to access devices on one router when logged in to the other?


Can anyone advise on the above please, or what other solutions are available?


Thanks for reading and your time :)





[i'm not an expert but have 25 yrs of computer experience personal]


you need a crossover cat5 cable hooked up from one router to the next. these cables are also useful for transferring files between two networked computers :thumbsup:



there are diagrams online for such a cable and the tools to create one are pretty cheap around $35 for a basic kit on amazon.com


here is a pretty strait forward instruction site for the crossover and regular cables and how to crimp them etc...




if nothing else try a standard cat5 cable first. I do not think it will ruin your routers but look at the following info site:




another strait forward answer:




Ok now back to the regular forum! :D

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One more thought!


if you can get a generic hub or router you can connect all your devices to the common hub and then connect the two routers to this one with basic cables.


Just a thought.


So for example you have three desktops and one printer you need a router with 6 ports DO NOT USE THE INTERNET PORT on this router!


It also is a good idea to read through the above instructions for two routers and follow through with your third router as the second router in the tutorials


1 for internet router1, connect any port from internet router1[the first router that is connected to the first internet provider] to here

1 for internet router2, connect any port from internet router2[the second router that is connected to the other internet provider] to here

1 for computer1

1 for computer2

1 for computer3

1 for printer if the printer has a networking port


Share the printer on one computer that is always on if it has a usb connection.

You might also be able to plug this type of printer into the router if it has a external usb device option.


Basically this type of setup makes sure that whatever internet provider is not wigging out you will always have a connection to your devices and printer.

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add two more lan cards to your computer. [This computer must be always on for this to work ]


connect both BB modems to separate lan cards and then bridge them together in network and sharing center

select the two adapters that contain the internet connections from the BB providers



internet1 to lan card 1

internet2 to lan card 2


after selecting them right click with your mouse and select bridge these connections together



Using the third lan card [lan card3]


connect to one of your routers internet WAN port

and then connect all your other computers, etc to this router.


you might have to bridge this one as well, but i don't think so.

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well i figured it out you need a hub as explained here.

Always backup your files! You will be glad you did

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What an extensive reply, thank you very much. I'll sit and watch the vids first :)




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