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Admin Login - Unable to determine the page link!


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After recently switching to a new host I am having some issues when logging into the admin area:


( ! ) Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in D:\Software\WAMP\www\1eiow3j4rj4ioj3iodjewghjfq1\login.php on line 63 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0014 182200 {main}( ) ..\login.php:0 2 0.2662 1130544 http_build_query ( ) ..\login.php:63





Unable to determine the page link!


Function used:


tep_href_link('', '', 'NONSSL')



The session is authenticating me because if I open the admin url directly I can now access the admin, it seems that the issue is with the redirection after authentication? There are lots of solutions on the net which I have been researching but none seem to work in my case. All I can fathom is that the issue is related to the version of PHP which the server is using (5.4.3)


I have tried adding the 3 lines to my htaccess:


php_flag register_globals on

php_flag register_long_arrays on


Also...Search Engine Friendly option in admin->Configuration->My Store is turned off.


But none of these help, any suggestions.






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