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Old Version Deprecation Errors


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Is there anyone that could help me please. I am not a PHP coder but am trying to support a system that I inherited. The site was recently HACKED so I have taken the direct links to the Store off of the normal HTML pages. I have provided the address so folks can get into the catalog but they cannot add anything to their cart. The site name is:

dccinstalssandsales.com and the Store/Catalog may be reached by going to dccinstallsandsales.com/store/catalog (or how clever :-)

I receive the following from attempts to go to the Shopping Cart:


Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 1053


Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 1053


Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 1053


Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 1053


Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 1053


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:1053) in/home/installs/public_html/store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 35


Also if you look at most any page I have a date issue as well. Again because of deprecation. It might be the same problem as here.


NOTE: Before you suggest it, I have looked at upgrading to the latest. I have read several conflicting things about just manually doing the upgrade or doing a new install. I would be lost on a new install and when I attempt to the upgrade manually some of the current code does not match the "is/should be" code. My version is:

// Define the project version

define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS2');


What else can I provide. Access if you need it or I can send the current files via e-mail. I have been after this problem for a long time. I sure could use some help as could my "customer".

Thank you in advance for your help!!!

Dan Foltz

[email protected]



Here is more information. Sorry that I am stringing this out. The shopping cart icon link at the top right of each page works. It is the shopping cart icon link beside each item on a page that does not work.


check the PHP Version from your webspace/server version 2.2 need php 5.2 it looks like that you use 5.3 or 5.4 maybe the hosting company makes a update.

check by admin you can check this by using /catalog/admin/server_info.php


2.2ms2 is almost 10 years since release. If you have these errors, then the person you inherited the site from did not keep on top of updates.


My suggestion would be to forget this old foundation, and instead install v2.3.3.4 - it would be LESS work to start fresh than to try to patch this old version - it's time for you to take time out and learn osCommerce so that you can service your customer in the correct way...


Updating to is not a easy task, but equally it is not a difficult task. If you cannot manage it, talk to your customer and let them know that you will find someone who can do it, then post at the "commercial request" forum for in-depth help.


If you prefer to stick with this 10 year old software, then your customer will get more and more such errors over the coming months as the host updates the server, from SQL problems to deprecated PHP problems. The site will at some point fail entirely.


If you're "not a PHP coder", you'll find it much easier to make a fresh install of osC and migrate your data (database and product images) over, than trying to patch up a 10 year old system. Not only are there numerous PHP upgrade patches to make, but you will likely be legally on the hook if you fail to make all the security code upgrades that have come along, and the store gets hacked again. Besides, who knows what the hacker has left behind -- you'll have to clean it all out anyway.


It's not hard. Install in a side directory (such as /test), replace its database with a copy of the current store's database, do the database upgrade from 2.2 MS2 to, and copy over the product images. At that point you should have a working store with real data. Then you can see what needs to be done in the way of add-ons, custom coding, and theme updates. Once you're happy with that, you can back up the old site (files and database) and move the /test files over to the live site. If the current store is dead in the water and the database isn't being changed by customer activity, you can just continue using the newer database. Otherwise, upgrade the production database to the current level.


@@DannyDont While the best way would be to upgrade that is not always the best choice for a variety of reasons, cost and time being the main ones. But to fix the errors you are seeing requires quite a few changes. There is an addon that lists many, but not all, of the needed changes. So given your lack of experience and the large amount of changes needed for this, you would be better off hiring someone to make the changes for you. You could also search these forums for the specific errors you are getting and may find most of them but the time that would take would probably cost you more than paying someone to make the changes for you.

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Thank all of you for your responses. This sort of confirms that I am over my head. Is there anyone willing to do this change over for me (my customer)? Perhaps take on site support as well. Currently I am doing the maintenance as barter for the services that Rick Bell, the owner, supplies. I am discussing this whole situation with him later today. Some of you make it sound simple to copy the database and create a new osCommerce.

Posted · Hidden by burt, November 18, 2013 - solicitation
Hidden by burt, November 18, 2013 - solicitation


I see that you are in Michigan. I am as well. What part of Michigan? Can I contact you "offline"? My e-mail address is [email protected]


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