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The e-commerce.

Showing off my new (and last) osC 2.3x project


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Hello all,


I just finished a major upgrade / overhaul of the biggest osCommerce store I worked with so far. It's a library with several thousand books. It's in Polish.

The site uses CSS 3 extensively and I hope it feels modern and intuitive. I also integrated the store with g+ / fb (open graph).


The address is: http://sportowo-medyczna.pl


Over my several years' romance with osCommerce I grew to like it a lot, however the speed of development of this software has always been and continues to be ridiculous.

I will be switching to WordPress e-Commerce once those guys get their shit together when it comest to CSS consistency.


I'd love to hear some feedback and comments.



"There is something enduringly seductive in random, explosive acts of no consequence"


the speed of development of this software has always been and continues to be ridiculous


Is it too fast?

Is it too slow?


Are you for real, Burt :) ?


This is one of the oldest open source platforms on the internet, This should amount to something.

Look at WordPress.

They even have a roadmap they stick to.

Instead of an ingenious actions & filters philosophy allowing amazing flexibility and scalability via plugins (without the need of hardcoding stuff by hand) we got what? An action recorder? The 'contributions' section of the oscommerce website has not been changed since what... PHP 3.0?


In 2013, osCommerce started using UTF-8 encoding. Someone smarter should make this into one hell of a joke for nerds.

This bodes well for the future as quite possibly it will rid itself of the table layout within a year or so.


I'm sorry - as I said I enjoyed designing many things with osCommerce. Even today I like it's speed and barebones simplicity. It's just so very obsolete to be a professional solution. It's a pain to see version where one of the bugfixes in the changelog is a fixed title of one of the infoboxes. Perhaps updating the soon deprecated database class to use mysqli would be a better use of the dev team's time?

"There is something enduringly seductive in random, explosive acts of no consequence"


What you say Burt is a very typical, obvious thing to say. You also have a point (despite the fact that I published several small contributions and was active on the forums for a while).


That doesn't change the fact though.

"There is something enduringly seductive in random, explosive acts of no consequence"


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