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Problems find words to translate


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In my 2.3 version including Super Download Store I can´t find where to translate the following words:


Billing information

Link expires:



I have looked through almost every file and I have tried to identify the files with the help of Firefox Firebug but I can´t find where to translate these words.


Learn to use the right tools. If you have a copy of the site on a Windows machine, use "findstr" to search for text. If it's on a Linux machine, use "grep". They will show you the file(s) that text occurs in.


Usually such text is in a "language" file somewhere, but it's possible that some may be in the database (such as IMAGE-BUTTON_DOWNLOAD). In that case, I don't think there's a way to search the whole database if you don't know the table and field. If you have a database backup (.sql), findstr and grep can search it. If you still have the installation files for the add-on, findstr and grep ought to find those terms, and with a little digging you can figure out what files they're in or where in the database they live.


to find a word inside PHP files (not so easy) you an use http://www.aborange.de/products/freeware/searcher.php


for this you need to have the shop offline at your harddisk and than you can find all you need


i dont know if this also in english (i user german :) ) its for free so you can test it


if there is no english its verry simple to use


Verzeichis = folder (open the folder where your shop are stored

Name = keyin *.php or for search in all files *.* :)

Inhalt = content (keyin the word or worde you search)

click on "suchen" to start


right hand side you have 3 checkboxes


Unterverzeichnisse einschließen = search also in subfolders

Groß und Kleinschrft beachten = search for all like (searchword e.g. Test) on = Search for exact this text = Test off = Seacht also for TeSt so its no restriction have the word are witten


hope i give you a starting help



try it its for free!





On Windows, findstr /s /c:"text you are looking for" \path-to-store\*.* . Use /si if you want the search to be case-insensitive. Use /sR (IIRC) if your search term is a regular expression. "findstr -?" will give the full details.


On Linux, it varies by what grep version you are using, but it will be something like grep -R "text you are looking for" /path-to-store/* . Note that the search term is expected to be a regular expression, so certain characters will have to be escaped. Add the -i flag for case-insensitive search. "man grep" will give the full details.


Both findstr and grep are built into their respective operating systems, so there's no need to install a separate utility.


to find a word inside PHP files (not so easy) you an use http://www.aborange.de/products/freeware/searcher.php


for this you need to have the shop offline at your harddisk and than you can find all you need


i dont know if this also in english (i user german :) ) its for free so you can test it


if there is no english its verry simple to use


Verzeichis = folder (open the folder where your shop are stored

Name = keyin *.php or for search in all files *.* :)

Inhalt = content (keyin the word or worde you search)

click on "suchen" to start


right hand side you have 3 checkboxes


Unterverzeichnisse einschließen = search also in subfolders

Groß und Kleinschrft beachten = search for all like (searchword e.g. Test) on = Search for exact this text = Test off = Seacht also for TeSt so its no restriction have the word are witten


hope i give you a starting help



try it its for free!




This was i real good proposal. Findstr didn´t work in the php-files but with this program it was easy to find what I looked for. Thank you! /Gunilla


Any editor can search (find) strings. The poster needed a tool to search lots and lots of files at once.


findstr has no problem searching .php files. I use it all the time for that. You must have used it incorrectly.


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