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How to change product image according to the language


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I am setting up a store of ebooks in 3 languages.

What I want, is when I add a book, I like the cover art of the book that changed according to the language.

-> Language English -> cover in English

-> Spanish language _> cover in Spanish

etc. ..


Second question:

How to make a book not available in other languages​​, does not appear when you choose the language.

ie. sell a book in English and French but not in Spanish. What I want is that when you choose the French language does not appear that book.


I hope you can help me.



You need to change the way that images are handled so that you upload product images for each language. That would be fairly difficult I think.


Option: Upload an image made of all of the book covers.

Option: Upload extra images that show the cover in the other languages.


The other question about having some products show in some languages but not others is even more difficult, as not only will you need to amend the product info page, but also to amend a lot of other areas in osCommerce (eg, the product lists, the category boxes, other boxes and so on).


I am not sure that anyone has ever done this, but if you search google and the addons area, you might fine something that would work.


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