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Help with hyperlink url changing quotes (") to %22


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Hello all,


I am trying to add hyperlinks to text within the webpages in my site but the href quotes are decoded to %22 and throwing webpage cannot found error in internet explorer


In detail in the html code <a href="blog.php/basics-of-hanging-a-wall-art">Check Out </a>basics of hanging a wallart</strong></span> the quotes (") are converted to % 22 and the url is displayed as below




OR if I use the entire url in the href like shown

<a href="http://www.essentialethnics.com/blog.php/basics-of-hanging-a-wall-art/">Check Out </a>basics of hanging a wallart


the url has %22 & .. and displayed as http://www.essentialethnics.com/%22../blog.php/basics-of-hanging-a-wall-art//%22


Firefox browser behaves differently and the url is displayed as http://www.essentialethnics.com/%5C%22../blog.php/basics-of-hanging-a-wall-art/%5C%22


in either browsers the the page throws a 404 error and is not displayed. Can anyone please help or throw some insights.





Use tep_href_link() to build your <a> links. You're doing something very wrong if you are getting " around the href attribute included in the URL.


Thank you for responding


The url I am trying to link to the text is a blog post, the blog is maitained by word press and integrated into my Oscommerce store. In such a case how do I get the filename or cpaths to pass to tep_href_link()?


This is what I was trying to achieve, I am trying to hyperlink the url to the blog post to the check out text.

Check Out basics of hanging a wallart


Pardon my ignorance here I am still learning Oscommerce.


Appreciate your suggestions.


So is this link (<a> tag) being created in osC and not in WP? If in osC, the PHP code would be something like

...<a href="' . tep_href_link("../blog.php/basics-of-hanging-a-wall-art", '', '') . '">Link text here</a>'...


Yes the <a tag> is created in osC and not in WP.


So when I try to edit the hyper link, HTML source editor opens up, would it be the same syntax as PHP since I tried this

'<a href="' . tep_href_link("../blog.php/basics-of-hanging-a-wall-art", '', '') . '"> Check Out </a>'

and it is not allowing me to update that means a syntax error


Please let me know.




HTML source editor????? On a .php file? You're doing something very, very wrong. Just use a very plain text editor with no fancy bells and whistles.


Copy here the offending line and 4 or 5 before and after it. Hopefully I'll see what's causing your syntax error.


Attached is a screen shot of where I wanted a clickable text.


This is in the oscommerce admin panel of my site in catalog -> categories/products.


I can easily add a hyper link using the hyperlink icon available in the format/ tools above. Now if I need to change the look and feel of any of the text I open up the HTML editor icon available in the same format tools above.


Like I mentioned the simple hyperlink or any HTML edits does not point to the right link, a 404 page not found error is displayed.


Am I working in the correct place in the first place? Thanks!


Never, ever use a WYSIWYG HTML editor on PHP code. Use your PC or host File Manager's plain text editor, such as Notepad or (better yet) Notepad++ or ViM. These will not do strange things behind your back and add odd cruft to the page.


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