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The e-commerce.

product update email


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I have posted this in another forum but as yet have not received a response so I've probab;y posted in the incorrect forum.


Simply my new shop can send emails viathe send email option in admin tools


It sends new customer welcome emails out


If I go to the newsgroup manager it says it's sending a news letter to one customer ( me) and it does


But when I go to the news group manager and select the option for a product update newsletter and click lock and send the screen tells me that the email is being sent to 0 customers


I cannot see any reason why


Just had a thought is the product update email only sent to customers who have bought the product?






HI - again


problem solved - but in case anyone else gets stuck or confused.


When a customer buys a product they have the option at checkout to receive product updates, if they tick yes to this box then they are sent the updates if they dont then the news letter manage will not send them updates


Problem solved




Also, for anyone in the future, have a read of http://www.clubosc.com/how-to-send-a-product-notification-in-oscommerce.html to see how a notification is actually sent.


To summarise the findings of @@jenodorf - a customer has to be signed up for product notifications (either globally [all products] or individual products.


It is then a manual process as detailed above to actually send these customers a notification.


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