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Add to Cart Not Working


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Hello. I just transferred a site from one server to another. I adjusted the 2 configure files to reflect new root directory path and have a successful database connection.


URL is winterpromise.net


Pages and links are operating correctly but I have 2 issues:

  1. When clicking add to cart, I am redirected to the cart but no products are being added.
  2. When navigating to the admin directory I just get a white page (http://winterpromise.net/admin_winter/)

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.



Matthew Magee


What differences between the two servers for PHP version, Apache server version, MySQL version, etc.? My guess would be that the new server has a higher version PHP than the old one, and repairs are needed for osC to work correctly on it. What is the osC version and what add-ons do you have installed? Is the new server run by the same host as the old one? If not, there could be configuration differences between the two (i.e., what they allow for various settings).


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